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What is EntreRevS?


Entrerevs is a LARPing convention that came up to be after many years of proposals that never came to be. Its goals (based in the experience of the past editions) are the following:


-Act as a meeting point for organisers, players and larp enthusiasts of any level of experience, with the purpose of facilitating the exchange of ideas and the cooperation between national and international groups of different tendencies, and styles.


-Serving as a contact channel between Spain with the international larping community that helps to increase the visibility of the Spanish Larping scene (in a way similar to the French GNIales, the Polish Kola, the Italian Larp Symposium or the Nordic Knutepunkt).


The activities that take place during the convention include talks, workshops, roundtables and to a lesser extent short-length larps, most of which are organised by the participants. Despite all of that the cornerstone of EntreReVs aren't the conferences and talks but the possibility of being able to meet creative people from all over Spain (and the world!). All which different experiences and approximations to larping that can help us grow and improve our own work.


The first edition took place at the end of October 2013 in the Al-Jatib caves in Baza (Granada), the second in the hostel El Rellano, in Molina de Segura (Murcia) during November 2014 and the third in Madrid in November 2015. Our goal for future editions is to keep changing locations every year to prevent that the convention becomes associated exclusively with a local group and to increase the diversity of procedence of the participants


Original pic by © Arcadio Sánchez Alcaraz
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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