To join EntreRevs 2017 you have to:
- Fill out the signup form that you'll find in this page (on the right). The form includes a section for collaborations (talks, workshops, larps, writing an article for our publication...) should you want to.​
- Once the form has been sent, you'll have to finish your signup by booking a spot. This year, the booking fee is 55€ until August the 10th and 65€ afterwards.
The account is:
Bank: La Caixa
IBAN: ES31 2100 2478 1502 1014 6746
Account holder: Enrique Peregrin
Concept for the transfer: Entrerevs 2016 + [your name + surname]
Once you've done the transfer, please do send us the bank receipt to so we book your spot. ​ The fee includes a non-refundable price of 35€. The fee includes accomodation during Friday and Saturday night and full-board during the whole event.
Also, this year we have a limited number of spots at a reduced cost. Please conta​ct us if you need one of those and we'll see what we can do to help you participate in EntreRevs 2017.
Signup form